“Senseless” a sci-fi dance-theatre piece (60 min) written & directed by Sakurako creating choreography together with the Re-United Now-Here international team of 12 dancers with the music by Amine Boucekkine. The premiere of "Senseless" was at the Auditorium Saint- Germain in Paris on March 3rd, 2017 with the international team of Re-United Now-Here, including FR & LT butoh teams ( LT: Eglė Grigaliūnaitė, Tadas Almantas, Ieva Tarejeva, Živilė Virkutytė, FR: Thibaut Cora, Ciclomène Civelli, Anastasiia Kovba, IT: Francesca Valeri) Electro Hip-hop dancers: Adrien "VEXUS" Larrazet & Kenj'y Keass, Contemporary ballet: Ioulia Plotnikova & Juliette Morel Lights: Cloé Chope, Costume: Sakurako & Thibaut Cora.
The main concept of “Senseless” is to investigate phenomenology of perception by diving into philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the Buddhist dicourse about realm of senses (Āyatana). We question why there is such a different , where in the West there are 5 senses, but in the East the sixth sense (mental) and feelings are also part of the perception. Did you ever question reality of your nature? How do we know what is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can hear, see smell or taste, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Then what is the difference between reality and the dream?
“Senseless” tells the sci-fi story set in the distant future, where the general order is reinforced by androids and there are disposable human clones designed to full fill certain functions within the society ruled by the rich, sponsoring the program of scientific experiments to create a superhuman by altering the senses. The poor end up in the scientific laboratory being the subject of the manipulations. This is the story of the group of individuals who’s bodies are tossed away into the waste after failed experiments, they appeared here and now without any trace of memory of who they are, where for they come from, what had happen to them and why they are now-here.
The cornerstone of the choreography is the presence & authentic body movement beyond conditioned patterns & interference of the mind. The piece combines butoh dance (members of the team come from the diverse disciplines however united by Butoh practice) with electro hip-hop and contemporary ballet techniques. Trying to find out how through gesture and movement it's possible to embody the loss & alteration of senses – vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. How to dance the self-conciousness gaining android or clone? how does one move av=waken without a trace of memory?
Production 2016/2017
Château Éphémère/ LMTA

"Dolls" is a site & context specific performance performed by OKARUKAS during Gallery Weekend Kaunas, ART Vilnius Litexpo & Kultūros Naktis, Mažvydo bibliotekoje. Idea Sakurako (choreography) & Phil Von ( music).
What starts as a rather normal excursion led by charming gides, knowledgeable in art history, contemporary arts, architecture and even art politics, little by little turns into a surreal situation with an unexpected twist cause by an AI scientist.
Butō šokio teatras OKARUKAS pristato performansą spektaklį “Nowhere”, pasakojanti saujelės žmonių istoriją, kurie nusimetę viską, kas buvo sociumo ir kultūros primesta, atsiduria niekur ir tuo pačiu čia ir dabar.
Lyg pabundę iš gilaus sapno be jokios atminties kas jie, kūnai atsidūę nužinomybėje pažadina savyje giliai slypinčius prisinimus ir net DNR atmintį bei patyria įvairias metamarfozes: tampant primatu ar gėle žydinčia po Fukushimos avarijos ar paukščiu patekusiu į išsiliejusią naftą jūroje…
„Nowhere“ analizuoja individo ir visuomenės santykį, tiriant dabartinės žmogiškosios patirties realybę. Įvairių transformacijų metu aiškėja jų pavienės ir kolektyvinė istorijos, kurios susidelioja kaip koležas iš įvairių déjà vu fragmentų lyg juodas veidrodis atsipindintys šiuolaikinę mūsų visuomenę žmonių tarpusavio santykius bei žmonijos poveikį aplinkai.
“Nowhere” abstrakčiai muzikos, judesio ir gestų kalba (naudojantis butō technika) pasakoja saujelės žmonių istoriją ir klausia kas jie, iš kur, o gal iš kada jie atvyko ir kaip jie atsidūrė čia ir dabar?
Idėjos autorė ir choreografė: Sakurako, muzika: Phil Von, šoka LMTA I vaidybos (Oskaro Kor6unovo) kurso studentai.

Production 2017/2018
Château Éphémère/ POST galerija
Production 2018